Archive for August, 2015

General Ishola Williams was at peace with himself that Friday afternoon when the team arrived at his office, in the Iju area of Lagos. This was the man who made news in 1993 when he walked out on the army and General Sanni Abacha on the premise that the army takeover was immoral. Far removed from the life of pleasure and putrid abundance that is the lot of many other retired generals, the team
met the general engrossed in his research work in peace and conflict studies.

General Williams, erstwhile head of the Nigeria chapter of Transparency International, is presently on the faculty of the Pan African Strategic and Policy Research Group, a forum he is using to espouse issues that generate conflict in Africa among other development issues. Given his exchange with Gen. Abacha and another squabble when as a colonel he queried a chief of army staff, General Williams was asked
whether he considered himself a troublesome officer. In responding to the contrary, he
nevertheless admitted that he may be controversial.

Undoubtedly so, as is revealed in
this interview during which he spoke on the rot in the army, the fight against corruption among
many other issues. (more…)

So many people have Questioned the Wealthy Status of Men of God while a large number of their Audiences are wallowing in poverty. Some have even said, that Jesus’s imminent arrival should be a reason for people not to have a little more than their daily needs. Here is my Take on it all.

If we all believe in the instantaneous and unpredictable re-arrival of The Lord Jesus, then there should be no reason for anyone to amass so much wealth for their personal use. I believe strongly that Jesus will not be a fan of anyone who has so much wealth in his/her name yet see the poor and does nothing to alleviate their poverty.

Hence my Stance: Jesus died that we may live, He became poor that we might be Rich, so that through our Riches we can draw people closer to Him. The only reason why anyone will have an issue with “The Redeemed” being extremely wealthy is because the purpose of their Wealth in most cases have be defeated.

Though there are many Ministers of the Gospel that are Wealthy and are setting up Foundations and Other Charitable quests to help the Poor and the Needy around the world, the average man will see these efforts as insufficient when compared to their net worths and the  Average Per capita income of their Audiences. This is so because we tend to prefer to receive Fishes instead of Learning how to Fish. Once the Fish that is given is exhausted, the people become hungry again, then the Circle never seems to end.

But I thank God that a Few men of God have noticed the folly in the continuous Fish-giving ventures and have started Teaching their Audiences on how not just to Fish, but also on how to own the Lake. This is the way forward:

It was recorded Biblically that Jesus Feed the multitude not more than 3 Times, but focused more on building their mindsets and equipping them to become global forces of reckoning. I also strongly believe that if Men of God should Focus more on Building their Audiences to have the Wisdom to make and manage Millions, rather than Spending Millions on relief Programs on them, the Question of whether they are giving their wealth to the poor will be irrelevant.